In order to become a reseller, you first need to register for an EVO account and contact our support team, providing your account numer, so that we can convert your account to a Reseller one.
Once your account has been converted, you will be able to;
- Manage individual accounts for your customers
- Set individual profit margins
- Manage deposits and withdrawals
- Customize the white label site with your own Twitter feed, logo, company name and brand name
Each time you receive a customer’s deposit, you have to perform a money transfer from your account to your customer’s account using his purchased value less your profit margin. This means that you only have need to deposit the net value into your account and keep the profit for you.
As an example, if your customer gives you $120 while your profit margin is set to 20%, you will only need to deposit $100 into your account and then transfer that same amount to his account. Upon login in the system, the customer will still see $120 in his own account while in reality you only deposited $100.
You have read right, you keep the profit margin even before your customer starts calling.